Parenting Assistant
We are your Personal
Being a parent is hard work.
At ParentCare, we make your life easier by managing all of your scheduling, planning, shopping and more.
Whatever you need to do, consider it done!
“My kid is going to a birthday party next Thursday, buy a gift for a 7 year old girl around $50 that will be here in time, I think she likes dinosaurs”
“Plan school lunches for next week and order the groceries, total cost should be less than $100 and prep time per meal should be less than 15 minutes”
“Book a haircut appointment for Sarah anytime after school next week, just make sure she doesn't have soccer practice that day”
ParentCare is your executive assistant.
Planning, Scheduling, Shopping
We will learn your preferences over time, when you like to do things, how you like to do things, where you like to shop, what you like to buy, and start taking tasks off your plate. We will learn your children’s likes and dislikes and their schedules and help you with the thousands of daily parenting decisions and tasks.
While you are so busy taking care of everyone and everything, we take care of you.
ParentCare grows with you and your family over time and learns how to best take care of you.
Book a call with one of our experts.
We’ll walk you through everything, answer your questions and help you figure out if ParentCare is right for you and your family!
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